When it comes to business marketing you need to do things a little differently—you need to stand out in a crowd. How can you do that? Well with great story telling images on your website and in your marketing as well as video. A great business portrait of you and your staff is a given. These can be in studio on location outside or in your business showing your business environment. A good head shot or team portrait is something you just need to have in today’s market—people want to do business with those they know like and trust and what better way to do that than putting yourself out there as the face of your business. A great about video can help here as well. See the one we did for Autosmith here.
But getting back to photos for marketing—creative shots executed well in your business environment go a along way to helping your client understand your business and also set you apart from your competition. Too many people reach for a stock photo hoping it’ll solve their problems. Thing is does that accurately represent your business, your customers? And has your competition used that photo in the past? Not good. You want people to see your marketing and to recognize your brand—ands yes your photos are part of that brand. When they come into your business do they see the same? It all ties together.
Which leads of course to Branding Portraits. You are your brand—that’s a given. What does your portrait say about your brand? How are these different than a good head shot? Well Branding Portraits are much longer sessions—we offer hair consult and a professional makeup artist. Then we allow you to bring several different changes of clothing—some more dressy business attire and some much more relaxed and casual. The idea here is to truly capture the essence of who you are to better reflect your brand.
Not sure where to begin? Well a good head shot, team portrait is a good initial starting place. Then get some great imagery taken for your website and promotional materials. Finish this off with either a video of you talking to your customers and/or a branding portrait session.
Competition is fierce. Don’t be afraid to stand out in a crowd.